Saturday, January 14, 2012

Solar-Powered Kindle Touch Lighted Cover

I recently came across a sweet little innovation for the newest line of Kindle electronic readers. It's a solar-powered Kindle Touch lighted cover! I know. Very cool, right? There are plenty of specs available on the product website, but the gist of it is that the cover itself powers its own built in light, and if you take one extra step, it'll charge your Kindle Touch for you while you read.
The downside is that the solar powered Kindle cover adds quite a bit of bulk to the very light Kindle, and the 'footprint' is a little bigger than it's Amazon counterpart. But, for the convenience of a reading light that you never have to charge, and the ability to charge the Kindle using solar power. Well, that's just cool in my opinion.
Now if only I had a Kindle Touch to use with this fancy new solar-powered Kindle Touch lighted cover... In time.