Friday, August 26, 2011

The Search For Vitamin B12

My brain is tired. I've been working on an article all week on this subject. Who knew it went so deep? Vitamin B12 is probably one of the biggest detractors from a vegan diet, but I think I have done a descent job of dispelling some myths about it, as well providing some hope. Enjoy! And if you make it to the end, you get a star.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Kindness - Lessons From A Stranger

I just learned a great lesson on kindness from a total stranger. Sylvia and I have been trying to sell our 'tall' style dining set for several months, all to no avail. Finally we got a good bite and the lady made an appointment to come by and have a look. She arrived one hour ago, liked what she saw, and made an offer of $250. We had the table listed for $300, so this was a disappointing offer. After a brief discussion she offered $270. I decided that it would be up to Sylvia, who was at work, and tried to contact her. But I couldn't get her. So we proceeded with loading the dining set into the vehicle.
Here is where things changed. The lady had a truck, but no padding or blankets to protect the table and chairs. She asked if she could borrow the one we had been using at home to keep the table safe on the drive. I was inwardly hesitant but outwardly agreed. When we loaded the chairs, however, I could easily see that they were going to get some damage from rubbing on the truck and, even though I was selfishly not wanting to let the blankets go, I didn't want her chairs to be ruined. So I outwardly gave her another blanket, while inwardly not wanting to.
We got all finished and they were prepared to leave, when she handed me the money (cash). She said "here's $300. It's a beautiful set!" Now, I can't say that me giving the blanket changed her mind, but it can't have hurt. And now, I don't really miss those old blankets like I was afraid I would.
Here is what I learned about kindness from this excellent experience: when in doubt, do what is best for the other person. You may not always get something out of it, but the other person will.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Writing articles. I could do this for a living.

I have another article live in the world. I think I'll get better over time, as these are kind of a jumble and not extremely engaging, but they'll do for now.
My latest article about the reasons to be a vegan.
Being vegan is easier than you think

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Artwork! Graphics! Joy!

Ok, it's probably not that exciting for anyone but me. I made some graphics for my website. Have a look see!
I think it looks nice. Check it out at the reasons to be a vegan for a greater experience.
I also made the favicon from this graphic. That is the little picture that you often see near the address bar or on your tab. Ah, technology. Things just get easier and easier.
Oh! I should mention that I made it at Aviary. I recommend everyone with any artistic desire give it a look. Free, browser-based tools from vector to voice.

My First Article

I finished and posted my very first article on being vegan. It was approved and went live this morning!
Check it out: The Vegan Lifestyle And Why You Probably Care
I'll be posting more articles and info daily throughout the coming weeks, so keep a heads up if you are interested in such things.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Working At Home: My Story

I love my commute. No, I don't work in my pajama's. I get up and prepare for the day like anyone else might. Shower, clothes, food, etc. Then I transition from not working to working. Voila! My day has begun.

So how did I get here, you ask? It all started waaaaay back in 2008....(blurry transition to distant past).
I was at home, unemployed and desperately trying to bring home the proverbial [veggie] bacon. There just didn't seem to be anything available. But I knew I had seen people who make a living doing *something* online. But what? I started digging. What I came up with in the end was a training website to get you into internet marketing. And, believe it or not, it worked! I did earn money. About $1,500 worth of money. Not bad, right? Wrong. As is possible with any business, my expenses got out of control and pretty soon the effort was bankrupt. I had to close the imaginary door and get to work outside the home. But the lessons I took from the experience would not soon be forgotten.

Enter spring, 2011. Sylvia, wife extraordinaire, is informed she will be laid off. Job hunt. Job found. Family moves. So now I'm in Idaho, and the photo market is like a bear in January. Constipated. Hibernating. After searching Craigslist, employment agencies, newspapers, Idaho Dept of Labor and others but finding nothing, I started to search for this online miracle job again. I found something promising, but it turns out it was a stay-at-home call center. And you have to pay for training. And your first check will arrive in approximately three months. THREE MONTHS! I move on.

Then in comes the idea again. Online marketing. But I knew I had failed before, and would likely fail again. But what other choice did I have? The website I had previously learned from, though my account was a "forever" account, was outdated and partially broken. No help there. After some more looking around I found some promising opportunities that didn't seem like they were scams, but you can never be too careful.

Here's where things began to change. While searching terms on Google like "[opportunity name] review" or "[opportunity name] scam?" I happened across one of the most useful websites I have ever found on the subject. The guy who runs the site, Steve, actually tries the money-making stuff and reports if it is legitimate or a scam. What I found next was not expected and sounded too good to be true. But it wasn't.

Steve made a recommendation about what he believes is the best option to learn how to and implement techniques for making money online. It was a website called Wealthy Affiliate. I took the bait. But there was no switch.

Immediately I began to see where I had gone wrong before, and how to go right this time. In the first day I had the knowledge to choose a targeted campaign, purchase a web domain name and launch a website. It was very fast, very easy and the site builder (part of the WA membership) makes beautiful sites. Here is my website discussing the reasons to be a vegan. It is a work in progress, so not much content yet, but adding content is as easy as writing this blog.

Now to buckle down and start turning what I'm learning into earning a living.

If you want check it out for yourself, be sure to visit the Wealthy Affiliate website. There is a lot of material you can preview, just to understand it all. Hope to see you there!

One last thought. The community on the Forum inside WA is amazing! Everyone is extremely helpful, and you can ask questions of the site owners any time, and actually receive a personal and helpful response.