Please, if you know someone suffering with cancer or some other 'incurable' disease, pay attention to this material.
Look at the whole website but in particular go to Resources>videos
Again, the whole website is good but under Resources > Cancer Resources you will find books, DVD's, websites, treatment centers, etc. I have the book and DVD set called "Healing Cancer from Inside Out". I recommend this read to anyone and everyone, not just those dealing with cancer.
This is a video of Harry Hoxsey, a man kicked out of medicine for healing cancer naturally. He went to Mexico to continue. I just minutes ago learned that, in my own family, four people were healed of disease, three of cancer. In the 1950's.
This person had a similar experience to Harry Hoxsey. The treatment is different yet similar if compared against conventional methods.
This is the best juicer I've ever seen. I have compared it to the Champion and GreenStar juicers and they just can't compete.
An amazing 25-year study of diet and cancer. You've got to read this.
Not about cancer. It's about heart disease but it is relevant to the discussion.
As I learn more I will post more. Some quotes to finish on:
"Dr. Campbell [China Study] did his studies using dairy protein (casein), but he also investigated whether nutrients other than dairy protein might promote or reverse cancers. With stunning consistency, nutrients from all animal foods grew tumors, while nutrients from all plant foods shrank tumors." - Healing Cancer from Inside Out, Anderson pp. 88
"From your heart's perspective, the difference between "light" meats and red meat is insignificant and much like the difference between regular cigarettes and "light" cigarettes. All meats - from red meat to chicken to turkey to fish to liquid meat (dairy products) - cause degenerative diseases because they all contain high levels of cholesterol, saturated fat and animal protein." - Healing Cancer from Inside Out, Anderson pp. 93